EN50155 Managed PoE Switch

IP67, 8x GbE M12 + 2x 100/1000Base-X SFP with 8x PoE 180W, 24/48VDC EN50155 Managed PoE Switch / 主向位科技秉持持續創新研發精神並 提供全系列高品質可靠度、耐環境高低溫及擁有堅固外殼的產品,包括L3/L2交換機、PoE產品、 EN50155 和 E-Mark認證的交換機等產品。

EN50155 Managed PoE Switch - ITP-G802SM-8PH24 EN50155 Managed PoE Switch
  • EN50155 Managed PoE Switch - ITP-G802SM-8PH24 EN50155 Managed PoE Switch

EN50155 Managed PoE Switch


IP67, 8x GbE M12 + 2x 100/1000Base-X SFP with 8x PoE 180W, 24/48VDC EN50155 Managed PoE Switch

The EN50155 certified managed PoE switch ITP-G802SM-8PH24, full Gigabit, that provides 8 Gigabit M12 A-code Ethernet ports and 2 100/1000 SFP slots. Supports a variety of PoE operation functions, including automatic detection of PoE device power, automatic reset, PoE scheduling, etc. Designed for heavy industrial, vehicle and rolling stock applications, utilizing M12 connectors to ensure secure connections and reliable operation, withstand environmental disturbances such as vibration and shock. with IP67 rating to protect against dust and water submersion, 24VDC power input design compatible with vehicle battery power supply, realizes PoE function through voltage boosting. EN50155 certification covers operating temperature, mains input voltage, surge, ESD, vibration and shock, making the switch suitable for vehicle, rolling stock applications.

  • M12 and M23 connector against vibration and shock
  • 24/48VDC redundant dual input power, and built-in power booster design upto 50VDC for PoE output
  • Regulated PoE output voltage (50VDC) to stabilize PoE device, and guarantee delivery PoE power distance to 100meters
  • Cable diagnostics, identifies opens/shorts distance
  • Provides up to 5 instances that each supports μ-Ring, μ-Chain or Sub-Ring type for flexible uses. (Please see CTC Union's μ-Ring white paper for more details)
  • Supports TTDP for train application
  • Supports IEEE 1588 PTP V2 for precise time synchronization to operate in Ordinary-Boundary, Peer to Peer Transparent Clock, End to End Transparent Clock, Master, Slave mode by each port
  • Supports EMS Management
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主向位 EN50155 Managed PoE Switch服務簡介

主向位科技股份有限公司是台灣一家擁有超過30年經驗的專業EN50155 Managed PoE Switch生產專業製造商。 我們成立於西元1993年, 在數據營運、企業通訊產品、工業通訊產品應用領域上, 主向位提供專業高品質的EN50155 Managed PoE Switch製造服務, 主向位 總是可以達成客戶各種品質要求。